






1. Rendezvous

【 The crown gleamed boldly on his head. He was every inch the king and Merlin froze, unable to move. He had thought the man was gorgeous as a captive prince. But this…This was who Arthur was born to be and Merlin froze, even though it left him standing in the middle of the entrance, visible to everyone.】



2. Strike of Lightning

【The moment Merlin touched the mark on his back, Arthur felt something wash over him – something like peace and joy and beauty, and he nearly fell forward into Merlin's arms.】

Canon AU,关于灵魂伴侣。超级美的设定,充满了浪漫与宿命感,代表着亚瑟和梅林的标记也非常非常符合人物性格,特别是象征着梅林内心的暴风雨,变幻不定、异常强大,有种凛冽又温柔的感觉。

3. From The Ashes

【Merlin stared at him, reaching up to touch his cheekbone, then looking at his fingers as though expecting to see blood. Arthur swallowed, wondering what he could say to fix this. He' d never lifted a hand against Merlin before. Never.】

Canon AU,reincarnation,梅林为了救亚瑟当众用了魔法,在亚瑟醒来前就被乌瑟处死了。然而其实梅林并没有死,只是某种意义上暂时沉睡了,他的灵魂依附到了亚瑟身体里。很动人很细腻的一篇,人物塑造都不错,亚瑟特别苏,很有担当,特别深情,心理变化很合理也很真实。无意识地能用梅林的魔法这一点好戳,想象一下小王子的眼睛变成金色,啊,美哭了。梅林好可爱.....> <软乎乎的忍不住想抱怀里揉。结尾感觉略仓促了。

乌瑟处死梅林后面对亚瑟那段,感觉真的会是原剧里发生的事(如果梅林的魔法暴露了的话),亚瑟的反应也十分的...十分in character。他们梦中幽会(不是)的几次都写得特别好!幽静轻柔而神秘的氛围渲染得极其绝妙,身临其境一样的梦幻。人物情绪变化跟环境的共鸣也很出彩了,就喜欢这种朦朦胧胧的感觉,纯粹、洁净、美丽。月光一般澄澈的感情。

4. Dawn of a Golden Age

【Arthur elbows him in the side. "I can't rule forever," he says, suddenly serious. "I don't want to. We can go anywhere, be anyone."】

Canon AU,513后续,还不错,共享永恒的生命想想就很浪漫。亚瑟某一集里说的梦想带着梅林远离卡美洛特到乡下种田的生活可以实现啦!

5. In the Winter of My Soul

【Maybe I should turn you into a frog,'' Merlin grumbled.
That made Arthur grin. ''Yeah? Why, because you want to kiss me to turn me back into a prince?"】

Canon AU,magic reveal,梅林在亚瑟面前暴露了魔法之后就逃跑了,亚瑟在冰天雪地里骑着龙去找他,最后发现梅林中了某种使人不断自厌的魔咒,而解开他需要某种方式的结合.....

真的好看,真的,我之前是被summary迷惑了。这篇文就像冬季里一缕月光,清冷又深情。梅林简直我见犹怜啊我的天,特别软,让人特别想搂怀里揉一揉。亚瑟一如既往地温柔高贵为梅林义无反顾,跟腐龙的互动也太有趣了,到处互怼,逮着空就要损腐龙一句,私底下还偷偷觉得他就是个giant lizard,简直可爱。最后竟然拉灯了(。

''No... that is not why. I mean... I know he's probably saved my life on countless occasions, but even before I knew about that... I always knew that Merlin... he is special somehow. Not because he has magic, but because of who he is. He always wants to do what's right, always wants me to do what's right. He cares about the people around him more than about himself, and when he looks at me... He doesn't see the Prince of Camelot, he sees me... Arthur. No one else knows me like him, the good and the bad. And even though he has seen me at my worst, knows all the times I've failed... he still believes in me and I... I need him to know that I believe in him, too.''


6. Ivy and Amaranth

【He runs one finger over Arthur's bare chest, tracing imaginary patterns against his skin and feels a pang of sadness. Loving Arthur has always been something bittersweet.】

Canon AU,magic reveal,亚瑟决定要毁去一对会让魔法从阿尔比恩永远消失的手镯,梅林一路上挣扎着试图阻止他,却还不能直接告诉他自己是个法师,同时又觉得亚瑟永远不会回应他的感情。

捅破窗户纸之前真的好虐。但是这可能是我看过的最好的canon era时期的中篇了......作者笔力简直惊艳,爱欲缠绵,极尽深情,真的爱确实如人所说,既痛又甜苦乐参半。梅林和亚瑟之间的那种独有的张力简直....看得人欲罢不能。能看出他们是真的相爱,为彼此无可救药地沦陷直至濒死,那种求而不得、那些极乐癫狂,那些小心翼翼的试探、如痴似醉的真爱,都生动得触手可及。这篇文真的,满满都是爱,那种炽烈得近乎绝望的飞蛾扑火一样的爱,那么绝望又是如此弥足珍贵。我特别爱整个前半篇描写的那些猜忌欺瞒裂痕矛盾,这真的是,两个傻子的恋爱啊。最后他们戴上手环宣誓的时候,真是神圣的时刻,简直想跪下来高呼此爱天下无双......



Sometimes, Merlin looks at Arthur and he can see the light of destiny shining in his eyes. There's something about him that makes people want to help him, to fight and die for him. 


Once he opened the floodgates, he's not sure where it would all end. Perhaps with him sobbing on Gwaine's shoulder about how Arthur will never appreciate his magic, will never love him the way he wants him to.


Merlin's tired, too, weary and heartsick. Arthur retreats behind the screen to change and Merlin turns down the bedcovers and pokes at the dwindling fire. Arthur reappears, dressed in a loose white sleep shirt, unfairly beautiful in the soft light. 

"Fine establishment my arse," Merlin mutters and takes a sip of mead.
"Such language," Arthur mock-tuts, "Not very lady-like."


"Well, I could make you blush almost without trying. Couldn't I, my love?' Arthur leans back, sweetly smug, and Merlin feels the tips of his ears reddening, quite despite his best efforts. For all that he knows that it’s part of the act, and Arthur trying to rile him to boot, he can’t help the rush of blood to his head at the endearment.


"You're sure this isn't just because I'm dressed like this?" Merlin quips, nervous.
"Very, very sure," Arthur says, his voice a low growl that goes right through Merlin, making him shiver. "How about you get out of those clothes so I can prove it to you?"

太会撩+1 我已经丧失语言能力

He runs one finger over Arthur's bare chest, tracing imaginary patterns against his skin and feels a pang of sadness. Loving Arthur has always been something bittersweet. 


"The thing is," Arthur says, sounding a little lost, "I've always known my duty is to marry. And I can't marry you, however much I might want…"



7. Finding Home

【I think you're brave," Arthur murmured, kissing Merlin. "Loyal." He drew his fingers through Merlin's hair. "Wonderful." He settled Merlin against him. "And I want you to stay. Stay right here with me. Always."】

Canon AU,Gaius退休之后,梅林没有睡觉的地方,亚瑟就让他住在自己房间里。呜呜呜呜呜呜本来以为没什么新意的梗这个作者写得太好了。出彩的不是梗本身是后续发生的事情。亚瑟太温柔太温柔了,苏破天际。

8. Stars Above, Stones Below

【Merlin tugged Arthur forward and kissed him. The scent of spring flowers was all around them; garlands of green on their heads, light as a feather, yet heavier than a crown. And at last, Arthur knew the shape and form of own heart.】

Canon AU,这篇有翻译我就直接跑去看了中文的,太好看了,各种意义上的完美。多希望原剧S4后就是这样的展开.....

9. Para Bellum

【"If it saves your life, how can I regret it?" Merlin lifted his head, and tears shone in his eyes, which burned with a fierce love which still took Arthur's breath away. "I would kill them all again, and thousands more besides, and...and..." Tears spilled, and Arthur caught them with his fingertips.】

stars above那篇的后续,还是挺好看的,但总觉得不如前篇_(:з」∠)_
可能因为前篇珠玑在前,看这篇的时候总是不由自主地比较着看,感觉情节和人物塑造都是繁星那篇更胜一筹。有几段看得我总感觉亚瑟有点诡异地崩了人设...可能因为我是亚瑟粉吧,看不得他有哪怕一点恋爱脑虽然他原剧里有时候就挺恋爱脑(。然后发现相比established relationship我果然还是更喜欢getting together或者pre-slash的模式,那种朦胧的淡淡的欲说还休的气氛,可能遐想空间更大一些吧。这篇里生米已经完全煮成熟饭了总感觉少了点隐晦的美感,当然这个不怪作者啦。皇姐这篇里狠狠刷了一波好感,以及中间竟然有一段MA,非常开心了!

10. Fathom Me Out

【Merlin's smile and Arthur's laugh. A hundred adventures pass over Arthur's eyes as he watched the two of them fight off evil beasts and terrible curses. A fire crackled and they lay next to each other, in the woods, in a deserted castle, in Arthur's chambers.】

Canon AU,magic reveal,亚瑟逐渐了解梅林的过程,包括那些他隐藏好的、他十年来都没发现过的秘密,感觉主要剧情就是这个2333

特。别。好。看。我看过的最好最符合原剧的magic reveal。亚瑟的心理变化特别合理也特别动人,水晶洞里那一段真的写出了我幻想太久的画面,亚瑟看着过往梅林为他出生入死的一幕幕,在看到梅林用自己的命换他的命时下意识脱口而出的尖叫太让人揪心。看这文的时候一会儿心疼小王子一会儿心疼梅林,都是戴斯特尼的错!

Arthur swallowed. "I have come to ask you- beg you- that when I banish him, you will take him in and protect him."


Arthur realized that his anger had only been an underlying emotion, because nothing compared to this heartbreak. Before he even realized his eyes were watering, tears fell from his eyes. 


Arthur had thought about Merlin almost constantly ever since he found out about his magic, but never had Arthur thought of what his life would have been like if Merlin had never been in his life. Even when he had been angry at Merlin, almost banishing him from Camelot, he had never wished they had not met.


11. ever on and ever back

【Merlin nods once, twice, three times. "Yes," he whispers. "I'm sorry, Arthur. I'm so–" And he's twenty-six again, standing ankle-deep in lakewater, watching Arthur's corpse disappear into the creeping fog.】



12. Do Not Go Gentle

【Merlin falls down to his knees, hamstringed, head sinking low in a bow, helpless and instinctive before the only man he'll ever accept as his king.】


13. The Tale of the Teapot

【"The next time you see fit to turn me into an animal, might I suggest something a bit more fearsome than a rabbit."】

Canon AU,梅林不小心无意识地给亚瑟下了咒语,把他变成了一只兔子。因为他只有晚上的时候是兔子,白天一切都正常,所以梅林一直对这一切毫无察觉........看的时候乐死我了,特别可爱,想象毛茸茸的兔子亚瑟简直了,就算变成兔子也不忘瞪人发脾气。亚瑟在兔子形态的时候听到梅林自言自语需要一个新毯子,第二天变回人之后找借口就把自己的毯子给了他,太甜了。就是感觉结尾可以再延伸出一点,不过就这么结束也不错。

14. Men of Legend

【It was in that moment that Dean realized that, to Arthur, Merlin must always look small and fragile, because Arthur had no knowledge of the power contained within Merlin's slim body.】

SPN和梅林的xover,作者太神了,我之前从没觉得这两个世界观能cross到一起去....这篇文totally changed my mind _(:з」∠)_ 大概就是,狼人和吸血鬼在邪恶巫师的召唤下出现在了卡美洛特境内,而在那个时代传说里有一对除魔卫道的英雄兄弟,梅林按照书里的方式试着召唤了他们,就召唤出了Sam和Dean。



Arthur glanced behind him once, and then lowered the hood of his cloak. Dean had to suppress a laugh, the dark blue cloak only managed to make Arthur appear even more blond and striking. It was hardly the most effective disguise.


Arthur nodded as Dean knelt beside him. If Dean had thought that Merlin's puppy eyes rivaled Sam's, well... Arthur could give them both a run for their money. Arthur finally took his hand off the hilt of the sword and returned it to Merlin's neck.

笑死了。想象一下这个画面,嗷呜,小王子真可爱> <

"We told him," Dean said. "He's cool with it."
Merlin stared at him as though he had just told him that Arthur was a part-time hooker.


Merlin revised his earlier assessment and decided that contrary to the stories, Dean was definitely the scarier brother.
"I'm going to rip his lungs out!" Dean yelled, once Sam had recounted the fight.
"Please don't," Merlin said. "If you try to kill Arthur, then I'm going to have to kill you - and I really, really don't want to do that." 


Arthur looked at Dean with terrified eyes, and if Dean had thought he looked young before, now Arthur looked like a frightened child. Arthur's eyes were wide and wet with threatening tears, and Merlin looked impossibly fragile and small laying unconscious in the young King's arms.


"But what if they didn't have any crimes?" Sam asked. "What if they were just using it to...I don't know... kill monsters... or heal bunnies..."
Merlin laughed, "Heal bunnies?"

这两句in character到让我笑得不能自已。脑海中顿时画面都出来了XD


15. Men of Legend: The Butterfly Effect

【Arthur barely caught the subject change, yet George had only taken two steps, when Arthur found himself saying, "If you harm that butterfly, so help me, I will kill you where you stand."】

men of legend的后续,其实就是个纯magic reveal _(:з」∠)_



16. With This Ring

【"You'll be the death of me." Arthur hissed and snapped his hips forward. Merlin cried out again, filled, split open further than he'd ever imagined. The room began to fill with light, streams of shimmering gold danced through the air.】

Canon AU,乌瑟中了魔法之后下圣旨让亚瑟和梅林结婚。看到summary差点笑死,爹真是神助攻。滚床单那里真是,啊,梅林失控的魔法,无意识地让房间里布满金灿灿的光,好担心会不小心炸了亚瑟的屋子.....这种无意识的举动感觉格外的(¯﹃¯)

17. Emrys Ascending

【All around them, familiar faces of his friends, classmates and teachers stared in awe at the two of them, and Merlin knew that they didn't just see Morgan and Arthur, but that they saw Merlin Emrys and the Once and Future King.】

梅林和HP的x over,我是被蘑菇太太那幅图安利的这篇文....就,还行吧,挺好看的,情节略薄弱,对oc的描写太琐碎而且没什么实际意义,喧宾夺主也削弱了故事性....空有个华丽的框架和世界观内容却不足以支撑起来的感觉。我看到后面就是为了等最后的final reveal了(。


18. When You're Not Watching

【 He could feel Arthur's warm chest, his heart beating and he knew that no matter what happened he was glad Arthur was alive. He couldn't cry, but he could almost feel the tear on his skin as Arthur wiped the dried blood from the scratches on his cheeks.】

Canon AU,梅林中了某种类似假死咒语的东西,发现了亚瑟对他从未说出口的感情。


19. One of the Wonders

【Arthur walks over to the bed, and rests his hand against Merlin's cheek. It is warm with life, soft with sleep. Merlin stirs at his touch, seeking more. And Arthur bends down to him, and wakes him with a kiss.】

Canon AU,亚瑟开始怀疑为什么只有梅林一个人能从暗灵的攻击下毫发无伤地回来。甜甜的,作者笔触很温柔。看剧的时候就觉得402那里亚瑟怎么可能不起疑心......

20. A Heavy Heart to Carry

【"Merlin. I'm not such a – what was it? – a cauliflower-brained ass that I don't know how much you've done for me." Arthur pauses, a smile twitching at the corners of his mouth. "You said something about destiny?"】

Canon AU,梅林受伤之后昏迷中吐露了一大堆秘密....全让亚瑟听到了。这篇简直可爱,而且好甜,迷迷糊糊的梅林太可爱啦。骂亚瑟是个菜花脑袋,想起前面有一篇里还骂他是个蛋("you- you egg!")笑死我了,梅林损亚瑟用词从来不带重样的2333333

21. Of Faith and Hope and Love

【Merlin has often displayed a talent for sleeping in odd places, so it's not a surprise when he manages to doze off in Arthur's arms.】

Canon AU,皇姐抓走了梅林,梅林走投无路之下召唤了龙,于是亚瑟某一天早上醒来,就发现一只小白龙趴在他的窗口。

看完之后第一感想就是...怎么能就结束在这里啊!!!虽然知道这样留白很好但还是忍不住想看后续.....这个文各方面都特别好,文笔和剧情都没得挑,而且人物超级IN CHARACTER, 有时候看着文字脑海里就能浮现出画面。艾苏萨太可爱了,看得我也想养龙,特别喜欢作者描写的小白龙蹲在亚瑟肩膀上,尾巴盘绕住亚瑟的脖子,像是想保护他不受任何伤害。看得我心都化了呜呜呜。


If Merlin had looked at him this way just over a week ago, Arthur would have ruffled his hair or shoved him or tossed some empty insult at him. He would have seen the love and need in Merlin's eyes and pushed it aside, provided a distraction because he didn't want to face it. But he wants to face it now. He reaches up and cups Merlin's cheek, his thumb brushing gently over his cheekbone, and Merlin closes his eyes, leans so lightly against his hand, as if unable to trust that it will still be there if he relies on it.

"I'm here," Arthur whispers. "You're safe now."

The tears spill from Merlin's eyes, silent but plentiful. Merlin swallows a whimper, and Arthur pulls him into his arms and holds him tight as the sobs break from his chest, deep and wretched. It's not just about Morgana capturing him and hurting him, not just about fear and exhaustion, not just about the terror of being known. It's everything, all the years of pain he's had to swallow down because he couldn't let anyone see it. Arthur's heart hurts for him, that there is so much pain.




"It hurts so much," Merlin says, tears in his eyes. His clutches weakly at his chest. "I can't feel anything. I can't feel my magic."



22. Revelation

【"Merlin," Arthur said, the word a reply filled with so much fondness and exasperation that Merlin had no choice but to kiss him.】

Canon AU,magic reveal,特别温情的一篇,像细雪一样轻柔。

23. The Weight of Truth

【And it was then that Merlin finally broke, a strangled sob bursting from his lips as he clung to Arthur. Arthur gently shushed him as if he were too exhausted to do anything more.】

Canon AU,magic reveal,梅林没法再继续隐瞒亚瑟就主动告诉他了。好温柔的一篇,心疼小王子QAQ

24. A Warlock's Worth

【He was a warlock first, but to name him was to damn him. Arthur took Merlin's hands in his, kissed the palms. It could mean nothing, might prevent nothing, but it was all he had. "Then you will swear as a peasant. It doesn't matter. This is the only measure of protection I can think to give you while my father lives."】

Canon AU,太好看了!!亚瑟苏得我!!一脸血!!!!好看到我不知道还能评价什么只能憋出一个好看,语言在这种时候是苍白无力的.............

25. Everything, Always

【Some nights, the dreams tease at the corners of his mind, never fully forming. Most nights, he sees Merlin die again and again. An axe to the neck, a sword through the chest, fire licking at his skin. In the dreams, Merlin never screams or begs or asks forgiveness. Instead, he looks Arthur in the eye and says, All for you. Everything, always.】

Canon AU,亚瑟发现了梅林的魔法,却不能告诉他。很别出心裁的一篇,亚瑟的视角,他的隐忍挣扎看得我好心疼。笔触很细腻,喜欢,尤其喜欢“All for you. Everything, always.梅林对亚瑟毕生倾尽一切的付出啊,可不就是这几个词。

26. Out of the Woods

【He rouses once, jolted by the horse's motion, but Arthur shushes him and keeps him caged in by his arms. Merlin thinks he hears Arthur whisper, "Rest, Merlin," but he can't be sure.】

Canon AU,magic reveal,好像是他们在森林里遭遇土匪之后梅林被迫在亚瑟面前用了魔法。看完只有一个感觉就是太美了,静水流深的温柔。亚瑟的心理变化很真实,非常合理,那种即便是怒火猜忌之下也不露声色的爱太戳了。人物形象都极其还原。

27. The Magic of Love

【The coldness shocks them both into letting go of the shoe. Gaius demonstrates his wisdom by quickly scooping it up himself. Merlin and Arthur quickly disentangle themselves. Arthur sits up on one edge of the bed, and Merlin the other, as they dry off their faces, and the immaturity of what they have just been doing catches up with them.】

Canon AU,亚瑟解除了魔法的禁忌之后,迫切希望梅林能表示点什么,梅林死活就不,亚瑟不得不采取了各种措施。

太可爱了这篇!!!!对话极其in character,亚瑟真是坏死了XDDDD抢鞋子那里好有画面感!你俩几岁啦!最后一段浪漫温柔到窒息,自然又怦然心动的甜蜜感,真好_(:з」∠)_

28. Hugs Are For Losers

【“Just, just - just hold me. Please.”】


29. How To Love A Living Thing

【"Don't you dare say you're not worth it," Arthur says forcefully. "What happened to that cocky boy who squared up to the Crown prince on his first day in Camelot? Who gave me a lecture every time I so much as forgot to say please to a maid? Who pushed me every single day to see that servants were worth no less than noble men and that Camelot should honour both?"】

Canon AU,梅林因为愧疚和负罪感所以选择对遭遇的一切都忍气吞声,甚至还觉得这是自己应得的。啊这篇....竟然看哭我了,好心疼梅林........以及,世界上可能没有比亚瑟还要更善良温柔的人了吧。QAQ

30. Nothing Will Harm You Here

【Of all the absurd things that Merlin had been experiencing since his wakening, he decided that this, Arthur serving him, was undoubtedly the most absurd of them all.】


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